The Center's research is organized around four themes:

How does quantum mechanics inform the theory of computation and communication?

Using quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition and entanglement, one can process information in ways that are impossible using only classical physics. What are the implications of quantum mechanics for computational complexity, cryptographic security, data transmission, and other aspects of information processing?

What insight does classical computer science give into quantum computing?

The principles of computer science can be applied to the design of quantum programming languages, compilers, algorithms, operating systems, and hardware architectures. How can quantum computers be made scalable and robust? How can quantum information be applied to topics such as artificial intelligence and machine learning?

What are the consequences of quantum information theory for fundamental physics?

Quantum information provides a powerful framework for examining questions in metrology, condensed matter physics, quantum foundations, and quantum gravity. How does entanglement behave in natural systems? How can quantum systems be controlled? What is the nature of quantum nonlocality?

How can theoretical advances in quantum information processing be applied?

Quantum information has the potential to enable dramatic technological advances. Can we implement practical realizations of quantum communication protocols? Can we develop classical algorithms relevant to quantum experiments? Can we implement analog quantum simulators? What are good candidates for quantum-secure cryptosystems? Can we build a scalable, fault-tolerant quantum computer?
