Davoudi, Z. ., Jarzynski, C. ., Mueller, N. ., Oruganti, G. ., Powers, C. ., & Yunger Halpern, N. . (2024). Quantum Thermodynamics of Nonequilibrium Processes in Lattice Gauge Theories. Phys. Rev. Lett., 133, 250402. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.250402 (Original work published December 2024)
Davoudi, Z. ., Detmold, W. ., Fu, Z. ., Grebe, A. ., Jay, W. ., Murphy, D. ., … Wagman, M. . (2024). Long-Distance Nuclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay from Lattice QCD. ArXiv. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.09362 (Original work published February 2024)
Davoudi, Z. ., Hsieh, C.-C. ., & Kadam, S. . (2024). Scattering wave packets of hadrons in gauge theories: Preparation on a quantum computer. Quantum, 8, 1520. http://doi.org/10.22331/q-2024-11-11-1520 (Original work published November 2024)
Davoudi, Z. ., Shaw, A. ., & Stryker, J. . (2023). General quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation with applications to a non-Abelian lattice gauge theory. Quantum, 7, 1213. http://doi.org/10.22331/q-2023-12-20-1213 (Original work published December 2023)
Abbott, R. ., Detmold, W. ., Romero-López, F. ., Davoudi, Z. ., Illa, M. ., Parreño, A. ., … Wagman, M. . (2023). Lattice quantum chromodynamics at large isospin density: 6144 pions in a box. ArXiv. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15014 (Original work published July 2023)
Surace, F. ., Lerose, A. ., Katz, O. ., Bennewitz, E. ., Schuckert, A. ., Luo, D. ., … Gorshkov, A. V. (2024). String-Breaking Dynamics in Quantum Adiabatic and Diabatic Processes. ArXiv:2411.10652. http://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2411.10652 (Original work published November 2024)
De, A. ., Lerose, A. ., Luo, D. ., Surace, F. ., Schuckert, A. ., Bennewitz, E. ., … Monroe, C. . (2024). Observation of String-Breaking Dynamics in a Quantum Simulator. ArXiv:2410.13815. http://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2410.13815
Rad, A. ., Schuckert, A. ., Crane, E. ., Nambiar, G. ., Fei, F. ., Wyrick, J. ., … Gullans, M. J. (2024). Analog Quantum Simulator of a Quantum Field Theory with Fermion-Spin Systems in Silicon. ArXiv, 2407(03419). http://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2407.03419 (Original work published July 2024)
Davoudi, Z. ., Jarzynski, C. ., Mueller, N. ., Oruganti, G. ., Powers, C. ., & Yunger Halpern, N. . (2024). Quantum thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes in lattice gauge theories. ArXiv. http://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2404.02965 (Original work published April 2024)
Davoudi, Z. ., Mueller, N. ., & Powers, C. . (2022). Toward Quantum Computing Phase Diagrams of Gauge Theories with Thermal Pure Quantum States. ArXiv. http://doi.org/10.48550/arxiv.2208.13112 (Original work published August 2022)