Barney, R. ., Winer, M. ., Baldwin, C. L., Swingle, B. ., & Galitski, V. . (2023). Spectral statistics of a minimal quantum glass model. SciPost Physics, 15. (Original work published September 2023)
Zanoci, C. ., Yoo, Y. ., & Swingle, B. . (2023). Thermalization at low temperatures via weakly damped multisite baths. Physical Review B, 108. (Original work published July 2023)
Baldwin, C. L., & Swingle, B. . (2023). Revisiting the Replica Trick: Competition Between Spin Glass and Conventional Order. Journal of Statistical Physics, 190(7). (Original work published July 2023)
Yoo, Y. ., White, C. D., & Swingle, B. . (2023). Open-system spin transport and operator weight dissipation in spin chains. Physical Review B, 107(11). (Original work published March 2023)
Zhou, T. ., Guo, A. ., Xu, S. ., Chen, X. ., & Swingle, B. . (2023). Hydrodynamic theory of scrambling in chaotic long-range interacting systems. Physical Review B, 107(1). (Original work published January 2023)
Sahu, S. ., Jian, S.-K. ., Bentsen, G. ., & Swingle, B. . (2022). Entanglement phases in large-N hybrid Brownian circuits with long-range couplings. Physical Review B, 106(22). (Original work published December 2022)
Winer, M. ., & Swingle, B. . (2022). The Loschmidt spectral form factor. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(10).
Winer, M. ., Barney, R. ., Baldwin, C. L., Galitski, V. ., & Swingle, B. . (2022). Spectral form factor of a quantum spin glass. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022(9). (Original work published September 2022)
Winer, M. ., & Swingle, B. . (2022). Spontaneous symmetry breaking, spectral statistics, and the ramp. Physical Review B, 105(10). (Original work published March 2022)