Das Sarma
Stanescu, T. D., & Das Sarma, S. . (2018). Building topological quantum circuits: Majorana nanowire junctions. Physical Review B, 97.
Song, Y. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2016). Statistical exchange-coupling errors and the practicality of scalable silicon donor qubits. Applied Physics Letters, 109.
Song, Y. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2017). Impurity-Driven Two-Dimensional Spin Relaxation Induced by Intervalley Spin-Flip Scattering in Silicon. Physical Review Applied, 7.
Song, Y. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2017). Spin-orbit coupling induced two-electron relaxation in silicon donor pairs. Physical Review B, 96.
Song, Y. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2018). Phonon-induced Majorana qubit relaxation in tunnel-coupled two-island topological superconductors. Physical Review B, 98.
Setiawan, F. ., Cole, W. S., Sau, J. D., & Das Sarma, S. . (2017). Conductance spectroscopy of nontopological-topological superconductor junctions. Physical Review B, 95.
Setiawan, F. ., Cole, W. S., Sau, J. D., & Das Sarma, S. . (2017). Transport in superconductor-normal metal-superconductor tunneling structures: Spinful p-wave and spin-orbit-coupled topological wires. Physical Review B, 95.
Setiawan, F. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2015). Temperature-dependent many-body effects in Dirac-Weyl materials: Interacting compressibility and quasiparticle velocity. Physical Review B, 92.
Setiawan, F. ., . Y. Hui, H. ., Kestner, J. P., Wang, X. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2014). Robust two-qubit gates for exchange-coupled qubits. Physical Review B, 89.
Setiawan, F. ., Liu, C. X., Sau, J. D., & Das Sarma, S. . (2017). Electron temperature and tunnel coupling dependence of zero-bias and almost-zero-bias conductance peaks in Majorana nanowires. Physical Review B, 96.