Das Sarma
Li, X. P., & Das Sarma, S. . (2014). Cyclotron dynamics of interacting bosons in artificial magnetic fields. Physical Review B, 89.
Li, X. P., & Das Sarma, S. . (2015). Exotic topological density waves in cold atomic Rydberg-dressed fermions. Nature Communications, 6.
Li, X. P., Deng, D. L., Wu, Y. L., & Das Sarma, S. . (2017). Statistical bubble localization with random interactions. Physical Review B, 95.
Li, X. P., Ganeshan, S. ., Pixley, J. H., & Das Sarma, S. . (2015). Many-Body Localization and Quantum Nonergodicity in a Model with a Single-Particle Mobility Edge. Physical Review Letters, 115.
Li, X. P., Natu, S. S., Paramekanti, A. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2014). Chiral magnetism and spontaneous spin Hall effect of interacting Bose superfluids. Nature Communications, 5.
Li, X. P., Pixley, J. H., Deng, D. L., Ganeshan, S. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2016). Quantum nonergodicity and fermion localization in a system with a single-particle mobility edge. Physical Review B, 93.
Li, X. ., Roy, B. ., & Das Sarma, S. . (2015). Spontaneous symmetry breaking and quantum Hall valley ordering on the surface of topological hexaborides. Physical Review B, 92.
Li, Q. Z., Cywinski, L. ., Culcer, D. ., Hu, X. D., & Das Sarma, S. . (2010). Exchange coupling in silicon quantum dots: Theoretical considerations for quantum computation. Physical Review B, 81.
Lai, Y. H., Das Sarma, S. ., & Sau, J. D. (2021). Theory of Coulomb blockaded transport in realistic Majorana nanowires. Physical Review B, 104.
Lai, Y. H., Sau, J. D., & Das Sarma, S. . (2019). Presence versus absence of end-to-end nonlocal conductance correlations in Majorana nanowires: Majorana bound states versus Andreev bound states. Physical Review B, 100.