Kwan, J. ., Segura, P. ., Li, Y. ., Kim, S. ., Gorshkov, A. V., Eckardt, A. ., … Greiner, M. . (2024). Realization of one-dimensional anyons with arbitrary statistical phase. Science, 386, 1055–1060. (Original work published 2025)
González-García, G. ., Gorshkov, A. V., Cirac, I. ., & Trivedi, R. . (2025). Dynamical Complexity of Non-Gaussian Many-Body Systems with Dissipation. ArXiv:2502.05658.
Kurdak, D. ., Banner, P. ., Li, Y. ., Muleady, S. ., Gorshkov, A. V., Rolston, S. L., & Porto, J. V. (2024). Enhancement of Rydberg Blockade via Microwave Dressing. ArXiv:2411.08236. Retrieved from
Brady, A. ., Wang, Y.-X. ., Albert, V. ., Gorshkov, A. V., & Zhuang, Q. . (2024). Correlated Noise Estimation with Quantum Sensor Networks. ArXiv:2412.17903. (Original work published December 2024)
Vrajitoarea, A. ., Belyansky, R. ., Lundgren, R. ., Whitsitt, S. ., Gorshkov, A. V., & Houck, A. A. (2022). Ultrastrong light-matter interaction in a photonic crystal. ArXiv. Retrieved from (Original work published September 2022)
Young, J. ., Gorshkov, A. V., & Maghrebi, M. . (2024). Nonequilibrium Universality of the Nonreciprocally Coupled O(n1) x O(n2) Model. ArXiv:2411.12680. (Original work published November 2024)
Schuckert, A. ., Crane, E. ., Gorshkov, A. V., Hafezi, M. ., & Gullans, M. J. (2024). Fermion-qubit fault-tolerant quantum computing. ArXiv , 2411(08955v1). (Original work published November 2024)
Surace, F. ., Lerose, A. ., Katz, O. ., Bennewitz, E. ., Schuckert, A. ., Luo, D. ., … Gorshkov, A. V. (2024). String-Breaking Dynamics in Quantum Adiabatic and Diabatic Processes. ArXiv:2411.10652. (Original work published November 2024)
Schuckert, A. ., Crane, E. ., Gorshkov, A. V., Hafezi, M. ., & Gullans, M. J. (2024). Fermion-Qubit Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computing. ArXiv:2411.08955. (Original work published November 2024)
Kurdak, D. ., Banner, P. ., Li, Y. ., Muleady, S. ., Gorshkov, A. V., Rolston, S. L., & Porto, J. V. (2024). Enhancement of Rydberg Blockade via Microwave Dressing. ArXiv:2411.08236. (Original work published November 2024)