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Gvozdiovas, E. ., Spielman, I. B., & Juzeliunas, G. . (2023). Interference-induced anisotropy in a two-dimensional dark-state optical lattice. Physical Review A, 107(3). http://doi.org/10.1103/physreva.107.033328 (Original work published March 2023)
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Su, S. W., Gou, S. C., Liu, I. K., Spielman, I. B., Santos, L. ., Acus, A. ., … Juzeliunas, G. . (2015). Position-dependent spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atoms. New Journal of Physics, 17. http://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/17/3/033045
Jendrzejewski, F. ., Eckel, S. ., Tiecke, T. G., Juzeliunas, G. ., Campbell, G. K., Jiang, L. ., & Gorshkov, A. V. (2016). Subwavelength-width optical tunnel junctions for ultracold atoms. Physical Review A, 94. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.94.063422 (Original work published December 2016)
Juzeliunas, G. ., Ruseckas, J. ., Campbell, D. L., & Spielman, I. B. (2011). Engineering Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling for cold atoms in a double tripod configuration. In (Vol. 7950). http://doi.org/10.1117/12.874137
Juzeliunas, G. ., & Spielman, I. B. (2012). Flux lattices reformulated. New Journal of Physics, 14. http://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/14/12/123022
Juzeliunas, G. ., & Spielman, I. B. (2012). Formation of optical flux lattices for ultra cold atoms. In (Vol. 8274). http://doi.org/10.1117/12.910384
Goldman, N. ., Juzeliunas, G. ., Ohberg, P. ., & Spielman, I. B. (2014). Light-induced gauge fields for ultracold atoms. Reports on Progress in Physics, 77. http://doi.org/10.1088/0034-4885/77/12/126401
Goldman, N. ., Anisimovas, E. ., Gerbier, F. ., Ohberg, P. ., Spielman, I. B., & Juzeliunas, G. . (2013). Measuring topology in a laser-coupled honeycomb lattice: from Chern insulators to topological semi-metals. New Journal of Physics, 15. http://doi.org/10.1088/1367-2630/15/1/013025