Ebadi, R. ., Kaplan, D. ., Rajendran, S. ., & Walsworth, R. L. (2024). GALILEO: Galactic Axion Laser Interferometer Leveraging Electro-Optics. Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 101001. (Original work published March 2024)
Carney, D. ., Raj, N. ., Bai, Y. ., Berger, J. ., Blanco, C. ., Bramante, J. ., … Westerdale, S. . (2023). Snowmass2021 cosmic frontier white paper: Ultraheavy particle dark matter. SciPost Physics Core, 6. (Original work published November 2023)
Ebadi, R. ., Marshall, M. C., Phillips, D. F., Cremer, J. ., Zhou, T. ., Titze, M. ., … Walsworth, R. L. (2022). Directional detection of dark matter using solid-state quantum sensing. AVS Quantum Science, 4. (Original work published November 2023)
Phillips, D. F., Ravi, A. ., Ebadi, R. ., & Walsworth, R. L. (2021). Milky Way Accelerometry via Millisecond Pulsar Timing. Physical Review Letters, 126(14).
Ebadi, R. ., Mathur, A. ., Tanin, E. H., Tailby, N. D., Marshall, M. C., Ravi, A. ., … Walsworth, R. L. (2021). Ultraheavy dark matter search with electron microscopy of geological quartz. Physical Review D, 104(1).
Marshall, M. C., Ebadi, R. ., Hart, C. ., Turner, M. J., Ku, M. J., Phillips, D. F., & Walsworth, R. L. (2022). High-Precision Mapping of Diamond Crystal Strain Using Quantum Interferometry. Physical Review Applied, 17(2).