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Bennewitz, E. ., Ware, B. ., Schuckert, A. ., Lerose, A. ., Surace, F. ., Belyansky, R. ., … Gorshkov, A. V. (2024). Simulating Meson Scattering on Spin Quantum Simulators. ArXiv:2403.07061. Retrieved from
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Ware, B. ., Deshpande, A. ., Hangleiter, D. ., Niroula, P. ., Fefferman, B. ., Gorshkov, A. V., & Gullans, M. J. (2023). A Sharp Phase Transition in Linear Cross-Entropy Benchmarking. arXiv:2305.04954 [cond-Mat, physics:Quant-Ph].