Badrike, K. ., Dalvi, A. ., Mazurek, F. ., D’Onofrio, M. ., Whitlow, J. ., Chen, T. ., … Mueller, F. . (2023). QisDAX: An Open Source Bridge from Qiskit to Trapped-Ion Quantum Devices. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE). IEEE. (Original work published September 2023)
Zhang, J. ., Wang, H. ., Ravi, G. ., Chong, F. ., Han, S. ., Mueller, F. ., & Chen, Y. . (2023). DISQ: Dynamic Iteration Skipping for Variational Quantum Algorithms. ArXiv. (Original work published August 2023)
Wilson, E. ., Mueller, F. ., & Pakin, S. . (2022). Combining hard and soft constraints in quantum constraint-satisfaction systems. In SC ’22: Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. IEEE Press. (Original work published November 2022)
Wilson, E. ., Mueller, F. ., Bassman, L. ., & Iancu, C. . (2021). Empirical evaluation of circuit approximations on noisy quantum devices. In SC ’21: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. ACM. (Original work published November 2021)
Wilson, E. ., Mueller, F. ., & Pakin, S. . (2021). Mapping Constraint Problems onto Quantum Gate and Annealing Devices. In 2021 IEEE/ACM Second International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software (QCS). IEEE. (Original work published November 2021)
Fustero, J. ., Palmtag, S. ., & Mueller, F. . (2021). Quantum Annealing Stencils with Applications to Fuel Loading of a Nuclear Reactor. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE). IEEE. (Original work published October 2021)