Verdel, R. ., Liu, F. L., Whitsitt, S. ., Gorshkov, A. V., & Heyl, M. . (2020). Real-time dynamics of string breaking in quantum spin chains. Physical Review B, 102. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.102.014308 (Original work published July 2020)
Pagano, G. ., Bapat, A. ., Becker, P. ., Collins, K. S., De, A. ., Hess, P. W., … Monroe, C. . (2020). Quantum approximate optimization of the long-range Ising model with a trapped-ion quantum simulator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117, 25396–25401. http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2006373117 (Original work published October 2020)
Lundgren, R. ., Liu, F. L., Laurell, P. ., & Fiete, G. A. (2019). Momentum-space entanglement after a quench in one-dimensional disordered fermionic systems. Physical Review B, 100. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.241108 (Original work published December 2019)
Liu, F. L., Lundgren, R. ., Titum, P. ., Pagano, G. ., Zhang, J. H., Monroe, C. ., & Gorshkov, A. V. (2019). Confined Quasiparticle Dynamics in Long-Range Interacting Quantum Spin Chains. Physical Review Letters, 122. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.150601 (Original work published April 2019)
Liu, F. L., Whitsitt, S. ., Curtis, J. B., Lundgren, R. ., Titum, P. ., Yang, Z. C., … Gorshkov, A. V. (2020). Circuit Complexity across a Topological Phase Transition. Physical Review Research, 2. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013323 (Original work published March 2020)
Liu, F. L., Yang, Z. C., Bienias, P. ., Iadecola, T. ., & Gorshkov, A. V. (2022). Localization and Criticality in Antiblockaded Two-Dimensional Rydberg Atom Arrays. Physical Review Letters, 128. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.013603 (Original work published January 2022)
Liu, F. L., Garrison, J. R., Deng, D. L., Gong, Z. X., & Gorshkov, A. V. (2018). Asymmetric Particle Transport and Light-Cone Dynamics Induced by Anyonic Statistics. Physical Review Letters, 121. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.250404 (Original work published December 2018)
Dai, W. ., Wu, Y. C., & Liu, F. L. (2016). Unidirectional Excitation of Graphene Plasmon in Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) Configuration. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section a-a Journal of Physical Sciences, 71, 373–379. http://doi.org/10.1515/zna-2015-0434