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Li, H. ., Li, M. ., Makrides, C. ., Petrov, A. ., & Kotochigova, S. . (2019). Universal Scattering of Ultracold Atoms and Molecules in Optical Potentials. Atoms, 7. http://doi.org/10.3390/atoms7010036
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Li, M. ., Tiesinga, E. ., & Kotochigova, S. . (2018). Orbital quantum magnetism in spin dynamics of strongly interacting magnetic lanthanide atoms. Physical Review A, 97. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.97.053627 (Original work published May 2018)
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Green, A. ., Li, H. ., Toh, J. H. S., Tang, X. X., McCormick, K. C., Li, M. ., … Gupta, S. . (2020). Feshbach Resonances in p-Wave Three-Body Recombination within Fermi-Fermi Mixtures of Open-Shell Li-6 and Closed-Shell Yb-173 Atoms. Physical Review X, 10. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.10.031037 (Original work published August 2020)