Event Details
Speaker Name
Johannes Borregaard
Speaker Institution
Start Date & Time
2015-07-09 2:00 pm
End Date & Time
2015-07-09 2:00 pm
Event Type
QuICS Event Type
Event Details

Individual atoms in optical cavities can provide an efficient interface between light and matter, something essential to quantum communication. Through the cavity field, quantum gates, such as the CNOT gate, can be realized between atoms trapped in the same cavity, which can be used in e.g. a quantum repeater to swap entanglement to large distances. Nonetheless, dissipation caused by cavity decay and spontaneous emission increases the experimental difficulty of realizing high quality gates in such a setup.

In this talk, I will discuss how error detection can be employed to convert the dissipation errors, which would be present in a deterministic gate, into a non-unity success probability. Once successful, the resulting gate exhibit much higher fidelity than a similar deterministic gate. Furthermore, I will discuss how such a heralded gate can be directly incorporated in a quantum repeater to circumvent the demanding task of intermediate entanglement purification and thus greatly increase the distribution rate.

CSS 3100A
TEMP migration NID