Event Details
Speaker Name
Xiaozhen Fu
Speaker Institution
(Physics and QuICS)
Start Date & Time
2024-04-29 4:00 pm
End Date & Time
2024-04-29 4:00 pm
QuICS Event Type
Event Details

The goal of this talk is to give an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of having geometric locality in quantum error-correcting codes. Starting with an introduction to the surface code, I will highlight the nice features of a geometrically local 2D stabilizer code. However, we will also examine the limitations that arise from imposing geometric locality, and how these limitations come about, particularly with regard to the code parameters and the allowable set of logical gates. Finally, we will explore some interesting techniques such as magic state distillation and code-switching that can be used to overcome these limitations.

This is a Quantum Information Math RIT Seminar which is part of the larger MathQuantum RTG program at UMD.


(Please note that this talk starts at 4:05 pm).


Kirwan Hall 3206
TEMP migration NID