(Free lunch served at 12:00 pm)
Trapped atomic ions have proven to be among leading platforms on quantum information processing, with their long coherence times and high fidelity quantum operations. Scaling up to larger numbers of qubits is a remaining challenge; and a modular network of many ion traps with photonic interfaces is a promising solution. In this architecture, external fields can drive local entangling gates between qubits within a module. Connections throughout the network can be achieved via probabilistic photonic entanglement between qubits in different modules. If all ions are the same species, resonant light scattered by photonic connection qubits can be absorbed by neighboring memory qubits and corrupt the stored information. To address this issue, we have implemented co-trapping of two different atomic species in the same ion trap: 171Yb+ for quantum information storage and 138Ba+for intermodular connection. In this talk, I will present our experimental results towards realization of this multi-species modular network architecture.