Our paper, in collaboration with Prof. John Bowers' group from University of California at Santa Barbara, shows the generation of a Dissipative Kerr Soliton (DKS) in a III-V platform, namely AlGaAs-on-insulator, thanks to the quenching of the thermo-refractive effect at cryogenic temperaure. We demonstrate that heating is the major limitation to reach DKS states at room temperature, and has to be overcome to fully harness the potential of this platform to generate low-noise states in this platform, which is distinguished by its ultra-high effective nonlinearity (and resulting ultra-low power oepration). 

Dissipative Kerr Solitons in a III‐V Microresonator Gregory Moille  Lin Chang  Weiqiang Xie  Ashutosh Rao  Xiyuan Lu  Marcelo Davanço  John E. Bowers  Kartik Srinivasan , Laser and Photonics Reviews 2020: https://doi.org/10.1002/lpor.202000022

Our article has also been covered in the NIST highlight which have been picked up by several scientific communication magazines

TEMP migration NID