![Hero image for improved coupled-mode theory for high-index-contrast photonics](/sites/default/files/2022-10/high-index-contrast-photonics.jpeg)
We are happy to announce that new research on an improved coupled-mode theory for high-index-contrast photonic platforms has been published on Physical Review A.
This work - led by Prof. Qing Li (Carnegie Mellon University), in collaboration with Prof. Hossein Taheri (UC Riverside), Prof. Ali Adibi (Georgia Tech), Greg, and Kartik - studies the limitations of current couple mode theory formalisms, especially with respect to the fundamental requirements imposed by Maxwell's equations at the interaces between materials. Because of the large index contrast in many photonic platforms, such as that between silicon nitride and air, the electric field discontinuity at an interface must be accounted for in the derivation of the couple mode theory equations. Doing so yields an improved couple mode theory formalism, where the formulas that express how the spatial overlap of the optical fields impact coupling are modified. This model is compared against full-wave electromagnetic simulations for directional couplers and found to yield better agreement than earlier coupled mode theory formalisms. This opens the door to more accurate, yet fast, design tools for integrated photonics
Check out the paper in the latest issue of Physical Review A!
Li, Q., G. Moille, H. Taheri, A. Adibi, and K. Srinivasan, "Improved coupled-mode theory for high-index-contrast photonic platforms", Phys. Rev. A, vol. 102, pp. 063506, Dec, 2020.