Welcome to the ARL-UMD partnership for quantum electrodynamics—AMPED—research homepage. We are a cooperative team of researchers at the University of Maryland, College Park and the DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory focused on exploring and exploiting quantum electrodynamics for scientific discovery and technological impact. Our expertise spans cold neutral atoms, trapped ions, quantum optics, and superconducting circuits, allowing us to leverage disparate experimental platforms to solve critical challenges in quantum sensing, quantum information, and quantum simulation.
Comparing Quantum Sensors to Small Antennas
In radio frequency technologies, the Chu Limit presents a significant challenge for small antennas, particularly at low frequencies where their performance is constrained.
RydIQUle: Forward Modelling of Rydberg Quantum Sensors in Python
Atomic quantum sensors (e.g. clocks, magnetometers, electrometers, inertial sensors, etc.) are being used to solve real-world problems including global positioning, imaging of biological systems, and geodesy, with new applications continually emerging. The breadth of the atomic sensor design space is daunting, since one may utilize any combination of atomic states, lasers, rf fields, time-dependence, atomic nonlinearities, lasercooling and trapping, and Rydberg states.
Quantum Rydberg sensor simultaneously measures five RF fields spanning 1.7 to 116 GHz
Recent work uses a quantum sensor to simultaneously receive five radio-frequency (RF) signals covering 120 gigahertz (GHz) of the electromagnetic spectrum. This demonstration expands the boundaries of wireless communications, highlighting a unique capability difficult to achieve with other technologies.