Topological stabilizer models on continuous variables

Abstract: In [1] we constructed a family of two-dimensional topological stabilizer codes on continuous variable (CV) degrees of freedom, which generalize homological rotor codes and the toric-GKP code. Our topological codes are built using the concept of boson condensation -- we start from a parent stabilizer code based on an R gauge theory and condense various bosonic excitations.

Continuously tunable surface code logicals via syndrome-adaptive transversal operations

Abstract: A set of universal fault-tolerant logical gates in quantum error correcting codes is necessary for quantum computing. Transversal operations applied independently on each qubit in a code block are naturally fault-tolerant and easy to implement, but the Eastin-Knill theorem states that the resulting discrete gate set cannot be universal. Circumventing this requires complex protocols such as magic state distillation, code switching, etc. Surface code error correction has been demonstrated on several experimental platforms.

A cryogenic optical cavity for trapped Yb+ quantum networking

Abstract: One approach to ion-photon entanglement relies on transitions from 2P3/2 to the low-lying 2D3/2 and 2D5/2 states at 1345 nm and 1650 nm in Yb+ [1]. Here Purcell enhancement is crucial for achieving good performance in the context of quantum networking. In support of this effort, we developed a monolithic, fiber-coupled Fabry–Pérot cavity integrated with a blade trap that operates at cryogenic temperatures. One of the cavity mirrors is bonded to a metalens that mode-matches cavity light to a single-mode fiber.

Anyone for Anyons?

Researchers have demonstrated that a strange type of quantum particle called the anyon, believed to exist in only two dimensions, can also be created in one dimension. Further studies exploring different types of one-dimensional anyons could bring scientists one step closer to using the particles as a fundamental unit of memory in a quantum computer.

The Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a binary quantum fluid

Abstract: Instabilities, where initially small fluctuations seed the formation of large-scale structures, govern the dynamics in various fluid flows. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) is an iconic example that leads to the development of mushroom-shaped incursions when immiscible fluids are accelerated into each other. RTI drives structure formation throughout science and engineering including table-top oil and water mixtures; supernova explosions; and inertial confinement fusion.  Despite its ubiquity, controlled laboratory RTI experiments are technically challenging.