On the optimal error exponents for classical and quantum antidistinguishability

Abstract: The concept of antidistinguishability of quantum states has been studied to investigate foundational questions in quantum mechanics. It is also called quantum state elimination, because the goal of such a protocol is to guess which state, among finitely many chosen at random, the system is not prepared in (that is, it can be thought of as the first step in a process of elimination). Antidistinguishability has been used to investigate the reality of quantum states, ruling out psi-epistemic ontological models of quantum mechanics [Pusey et al., Nat. Phys., 8(6):475-478, 2012].

Collective light scattering in cold atomic ensembles: super-radiance, driven Dicke model and correlations

Abstract: This talk will present our work on the observation of super-radiance in a cloud of cold atoms driven by a laser. We start from an elongated cloud of laser cooled atoms that we excite either perpendicularly or along its main axis. This situation bears some similarities with cavity quantum electrodynamics: here the cavity mode is replaced by the diffraction mode of the elongated cloud. We observe superradiant pulses of light after population inversion.

Reducing circuit depth of commuting Pauli Strings diagonalization

Abstract: A variety of quantum algorithms employ Pauli operators as a convenient basis for studying the spectrum or evolution of Hamiltonians or measuring multibody observables. One strategy to reduce circuit depth in such algorithms involves simultaneous diagonalization of Pauli operators generating unitary evolution operators or observables of interest. We propose an algorithm yielding quantum circuits with depths O(nlogr) diagonalizing n-qubit operators generated by r Pauli operators.

Universal dynamics of nonequilibrium quantum matter

Abstract: Today’s programmable quantum simulators offer versatile platforms for exploring many-body phases and dynamics in correlated quantum systems. In this talk, we present some new—and surprising—insights into nonequilibrium quantum dynamics inspired by such recent experimental advances. First, we focus on understanding the evolution of closed quantum systems driven through a phase transition, which is crucial for quantum state preparation and adiabatic algorithms.

Quantum-enhanced electric field sensing using 2D Crystals of over 100 Ions in a Penning Trap

Abstract: Utilizing quantum mechanical effects such as entanglement can allow sensors to have sensitivities below those imposed on purely classical states. As an example, our experiment has utilized entanglement of the spin and collective motion of 2D crystals of over 100 ions in a Penning trap to demonstrate a sensitivity to displacements of 8.8 ± 0.4 decibels below the standard quantum limit [Science 373, 673 (2021)].

One-shot quantum information theory and quantum gravity

Abstract: The unification of quantum mechanics and gravity is a major outstanding goal. One modern approach to understanding this unification goes by the name ``holography’’, in which gravity can be understood as an emergent description of some more fundamental, purely quantum mechanical system. In this talk I will describe some recent results in holography that elucidate how this emergence works. A starring role will be played by one-shot quantum information theory.