Light Synchronization Technique Heralds a Bright New Chapter for Small Atomic Clocks

Humanity’s desire to measure time more and more accurately has been a driving force in technological development, and improved clocks and the innovations behind them have repeatedly delivered unexpected applications and scientific discoveries. For instance, when sailors needed high precision timekeeping to better navigate the open seas, it motivated the development of mechanical clocks. And in turn, more accurate clocks allowed better measurements in astronomy and physics. Now, clocks are inescapable parts of daily life, but the demands of GPS, space navigation and other applications are still motivating scientists to push timekeeping to new extremes.

Daniel Pimbi

Daniel Pimbi is a graduate student working on microring and photonic crystal resonators within the framework of multilayer integration. He earned a B.S. in Applied Physics from Towson University in 2020, followed by a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University in 2021. In 2023, he successfully completed his M.Sc., receiving the prestigious Edward E. Whitacre, Jr., highest-ranking graduate from the College of Engineering. His master's thesis focused on the development of polarization-independent and rotation photonic Bragg grating filters. 

Shao-Chien Ou

Shao-Chien Ou is a graduate student working on injection locking and self-injection locking in the context of nonlinear nanophotonics with microring resonators

Measuring finite-energy properties of the Fermi-Hubbard model in a trapped-ion quantum computer

Abstract: Calculating the equilibrium properties of condensed matter systems is one of the promising applications of near-term quantum computing. Recently, hybrid quantum-classical time-series algorithms have been proposed to efficiently extract these properties (time evolution up to short times t). In this work, we study the operation of this algorithm on a present-day quantum computer. Specifically, we measure the Loschmidt amplitude for the Fermi-Hubbard model on a 16-site ladder geometry (32 orbitals) on the Quantinuum H2-1 trapped-ion device.

Observation of a finite-energy phase transition in a one-dimensional quantum simulator

One of the most striking many-body phenomena in nature is the sudden change of macroscopic properties as the temperature or energy reaches a critical value. Such equilibrium transitions have been predicted and observed in two and three spatial dimensions, but have long been thought not to exist in one-dimensional (1D) systems.

Do the Bump: NIST Scientists Perfect Miniaturized Technique to Generate Precise Wavelengths of Visible Laser Light

In research, sometimes the bumpy path proves to be the best one. By creating tiny, periodic bumps in a miniature racetrack for light, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and their colleagues at JQI have converted near-infrared (NIR) laser light into specific desired wavelengths of visible light with high accuracy and efficiency.

Fault-tolerant hyperbolic Floquet quantum error correcting codes

Abstract: In this talk, I will introduce a family of dynamically generated quantum error correcting codes that we call “hyperbolic Floquet codes.” These codes are defined by a specific sequence of non-commuting two-body measurements arranged periodically in time that stabilize a topological code on a hyperbolic manifold with negative curvature. We focus on a family of lattices for n qubits that, according to our prescription that defines the code, provably achieve a finite encoding rate (1/8+2/n) and have a depth-3 syndrome extraction circuit.

Rydberg atoms for molecular physics and field sensing

Abstract: Neutral atoms in highly-excited Rydberg states are actively utilized in a variety of research directions such as ultracold chemistry and many-body physics, precision measurements and emerging quantum technologies. This talk is focused on using Rydberg atoms for creating long-range molecular states and for sensing AC/DC electric fields. First, I will present a novel type of Rydberg dimer formed through long-range electric-multipole interactions between a Rydberg atom and an ion. Its vibrational spectra and stability against nonadiabatic effects will be discussed.

Local Hamiltonian Problem with succinct ground state is MA-Complete

Abstract: Finding the ground energy of a quantum system is a fundamental problem in condensed matter physics and quantum chemistry. Existing classical algorithms for tackling this problem often assume that the ground state has a succinct classical description, i.e. a poly-size classical circuit for computing the amplitude. Notable examples of succinct states encompass matrix product states, contractible projected entangled pair states, and states that can be represented by classical neural networks. We study the complexity of the local Hamiltonian problem with succinct ground state.