
Simulating Meson Scattering on Spin Quantum Simulators

Studying high-energy collisions of composite particles, such as hadrons and nuclei, is an outstanding goal for quantum simulators. However, the preparation of hadronic wave packets has posed a significant challenge, due to the complexity of hadrons and the precise structure of wave packets. This has limited demonstrations of hadron scattering on quantum simulators to date. Observations of confinement and composite excitations in quantum spin systems have opened up the possibility to explore scattering dynamics in spin models.

Seed Grant Writing Workshop

Applying for an RQS seed grant? This workshop will share some tips and best practices for grant writing, with insight from the UMD research and development office's Amanda Dykema and former RQS seed grant recipient Alaina Green (JQI). Bring your idea or draft for a proposal; after the presentation, there will be time to work on your proposal and get feedback. 

The RQS Annual Workshop will also feature a seed grant session where you can continue to refine your proposal.