
RQS Journal Club: Learning Many-Body Hamiltonians with Heisenberg-Limited Scaling

In this letter, we propose the first algorithm to achieve the Heisenberg limit for learning an interacting N-qubit local Hamiltonian. After a total evolution time of O(ε−1), the proposed algorithm can efficiently estimate any parameter in the N-qubit Hamiltonian to ε error with high probability. Our algorithm uses ideas from quantum simulation to decouple the unknown N-qubit Hamiltonian H into noninteracting patches and learns H using a quantum-enhanced divide-and-conquer approach.

RQS Journal Club: Hamiltonians, groups, graphs and ansätze

One promising application of near-term quantum devices is to prepare trial wavefunctions using short circuits for solving different problems via variational algorithms. For this purpose, we introduce a new circuit design that combines graph-based diagonalization circuits with arbitrary single-qubit rotation gates to get Hamiltonian-based graph states ansätze (H-GSA). We test the accuracy of the proposed ansatz in estimating ground state energies of various molecules of size up to 12-qubits.

RQS Career Connections: Quantinuum Research into near-term applications of quantum computers

Quantinuum is pursuing the development of trapped ion quantum computers based around the so-called “QCCD architecture” pioneered at NIST.  This hardware design confers many advantages, including very high gate fidelities, low cross-talk mid-circuit measurement, and flexible qubit connectivity, but it also poses many design challenges that Quantinuum is working to overcome.  I will give an overview of what it’s like to work at Quantinuum, what types of things people here are working on, and I will discuss a variety of opportunities in simulating many-body quantum systems that the s

RQS Career Connections: The Quantum Ethics Project

As a graduate student researching quantum machine learning at the Institute for Quantum Computing, Joan wanted to better understand the ethical implications of her work. Drawing from conversations on AI ethics and taking a critical perspective on many of the promises being made in the quantum computing space, Joan founded the Quantum Ethics Project to build community around ensuring quantum technology benefits everyone and harms no one. In this seminar Joan will give an introduction to quantum ethics and share her perspective on her career journey into this field.

RQS Institute Workshop

The RQS Annual Institute Workshop brings together researchers from all five RQS universities - University of Maryland (UMD), Duke, Princeton, Yale, and North Caroline State University (NCSU), to discuss accomplishments and research findings from the previous year, and collaborate and plan for next year(s).

Quantum simulations of topological Majorana modes

Quantum devices hold promise to outperform classical computers in performing some physical simulations in the nearest future, making them a valuable tool for physics research. In this talk, Oles will focus on quantum simulation of the topological states of matter hosting Majorana modes – the exotic “half-electron” states. He will show the results obtained from noisy quantum hardware provide us with accurate prediction of Majorana mode wavefunctions. This experiment also allows us to verify the topological nature of observed modes.

Quantum algorithm for linear non-unitary dynamics with near-optimal dependence on all parameters

This presentation introduces a family of identities that express general linear non-unitary evolution operators as a linear combination of unitary evolution operators, each solving a Hamiltonian simulation problem. This formulation can exponentially enhance the accuracy of the recently introduced linear combination of Hamiltonian simulation (LCHS) method [An, Liu, and Lin, Physical Review Letters, 2023].