Semester Calendar Date

Foundations of Quantum Computing

The University of Maryland Science Academy is offering a summer course on the Foundations of Quantum Computing. This three-week bootcamp will take place from June 7-25, 2021, and sessions will be held online from 4:00-7:00pm EDT on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
For more information please visit

Bose Einstein Condensates for Analogue Cosmology Experiments

Dissertation Committee Chair: James Williams, Chair
Gretchen Campbell, Co-Chair/Advisor
Ian Spielman
Theodore Jacobson
Ronald Walsworth, Dean's Representative
This thesis presents the construction and characterization of an experimental apparatus to produce sodium Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) in  arbitrary potentials.
Particular attention is devoted to the study of toroidal BECs as platforms for analogue cosmology models.