Cryogenic Trapped-Ion System for Large Scale Quantum Simulation
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Christopher Monroe
Professor Norbert M. Linke
Professor James Williams
Professor Alexey Gorshkov
Professor Christopher Jarzynski
Dissipative phase transitions and autonomous error correction
Quantum phase transitions are ubiquitous in nature and come in a variety of flavors, including symmetry-breaking transitions and symmetry-protected topological transitions. While these paradigms are by now well understood for closed systems, their generalization to dissipative open systems remains largely unexplored. In this talk, I describe recent progress in this direction. This task has practical relevance: A non-trivial phase can be characterized by an emergent steady state degeneracy in the thermodynamic limit, which is the key ingredient for "autonomous" error correction.
Simulating many-body quantum spin models with trapped ions
Dissertation Committee Chair: Chris Monroe
Scaling Quantum Computers with Long Chains of Trapped Ions
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Christopher Monroe
Prof. Norbert Linke
Prof. Alicia Kollár
Prof. Vladimir Manucharyan
Prof. Christopher Jarzynski
Quantum computers promise to solve models of important physical processes, optimize complex cost functions, and challenge cryptography in ways that are intractable using current computers. In order to achieve these promises, quantum computers must both increase in size and decrease error rates.
Searching for Topological Majorana Zero Modes
Sankar Das Sarma, UMD10:00 AM - 10:55 AM”Searching for Topological Majorana Zero Modes”
Tadashi Machida, RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science11:00 AM - 11:55 AM"Searching for Majorana quasiparticle in Iron-based superconductors"
Erik Bakkers, Eindhoven University of Technology12:00 PM - 12:55 PM“Reducing disorder in Semiconductor/supercondu ctor nanowires”
Error-corrected quantum metrology
Quantum metrology, which studies parameter estimation in quantum systems, has many important applications in science and technology, ranging from frequency spectroscopy to gravitational wave detection. Quantum mechanics imposes a fundamental limit on the estimation precision, called the Heisenberg limit, which is achievable in noiseless quantum systems, but is in general not for noisy systems. This talk is a summary of some recent works by the speaker and collaborators on quantum metrology enhanced by quantum error correction.
A Study of Quantum Algorithms with Ion-trap Quantum Computers
Dissertation Committee:
Professor Christopher Monroe, Chair/Advisor
professor Mohammad Hafezi
professor Edo Waks
Professor Alexey Gorshkov
Professor Lawrence Washington, Dean’s Representative
Professor Norbert Linke
Professor Xiaodi Wu
Immanuel Bloch, Ludwig-Maximilians University"Realizing and probing quantum matter using large scale quantum simulations"
Ignacio Cirac,Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics“Simulations with analog and digital quantum computers”
Lieven Vandersypen, Delft University“Analog quantum simulating of Fermi-Hubbard physics using quantum dot arrays”
Design and Construction of a Three-Node Quantum Network
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Christopher Monroe
Prof. Alicia Kollár
Prof. Norbert Linke
Prof. Steven Rolston
Prof. Ronald Walsworth
Fault-tolerant error correction using flags and error weight parities
Fault-tolerant error correction (FTEC), a procedure which suppresses error propagation in a quantum circuit, is one of the most important components for building large-scale quantum computers. One major technique often used in recent works is the flag technique, which uses a few ancillas to detect faults that can lead to errors of high weight and is applicable to various fault-tolerant schemes. In this talk, I will further improve the flag technique by introducing the use of error weight parities in error correction.