Introduction to quantum information processing (CMSC657, Fall 2020)
Quantum computers have the potential to efficiently solve problems that are intractable for classical computers. This course will explore the foundation of quantum computing. As this is a multidisciplinary subject, the course will cover basic concepts in theoretical computer science and physics in addition to introducing core quantum computing topics. No previous background in quantum mechanics is required.
Introduction to quantum technology (ENEE489B/PHYS467)
Investigates the physical systems used to implement quantum computers. Covers basics of atomic clocks, laser interferometers, quantum key distribution, quantum networks, and three types of qubits (ion-based, superconductor-based, and semiconductor-based).
Research Interactions in Mathematics (RIT on Quantum Information) (MATH489/689, Fall 2020)
In this seminar, we are interested in all aspects of research at the intersection between quantum information science and mathematics. Goals for talks include:
Studying recent research results in quantum information from a mathematical angle;
Finding examples (old and new) in which existing tools from mathematics can be adapted for application in quantum information;
Studying quantum algorithms for mathematical problems.
The unexpected Bose fireworks
Experiments frequently come with surprises. In this talk, I will describe the story behind the discovery of Bose fireworks, a sudden emission of matterwave jets from a driven Bose-Einstein condensate. The jet emission originates from collective scattering of atoms, seeded by quantum fluctuations and amplified by bosonic stimulation. The process results in an intricate jet emission pattern resembling those observed in high-energy collisions of heavy ions as well as Unruh radiation near the event horizon.
Moiré Superlattices and Their Potential for Quantum Information Science
A new type of superlattice, known as the moiré superlattice, forms when two monolayers of van der Waals materials are vertically stacked. The period of the moire superlattice is readily controlled by the lattice constant mismatch and the twist angle. The energy modulation within a supercell varies as much as a few hundred meV, effectively trapping carriers and excitons. These superlattices exhibit a host of rich properties that may find applications in quantum information science such as an array of single quantum emitters and quantum simulations.
Signatures of propagating Majorana modes measured by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
Topological superconductors represent a fundamentally new phase of matter. Similar to topological insulators, the non-trivial topological characteristics of a topological superconductor dictate the presence of a topological edge states composed of Bogoliubov quasiparticles which live inside and span the superconducting gap.
Quantum Dot Molecules: Interesting physics and opportunities for scalable quantum devices
Quantum dots are often described as artificial atoms because they have discrete energy levels analogous to those of natural atoms. Solid state quantum dots (e.g. InAs in GaAs) can be extended from artificial atoms to artificial molecules by controlling the relative spatial proximity and orientation of a pair of quantum dots. These pairs of dots are called quantum dot molecules (QDMs) because coherent tunnel coupling between the individual quantum dots leads to the formation of molecular states analogous to those in diatomic molecules.
Programmable Quantum Simulation of Molecular Vibrational Spectra using Boson Sampling in Circuit QED
‘Circuit QED’ is the quantum theory of superconducting qubits strongly interacting with microwave photons in electrical circuits. It is the leading solid-state architecture in the race to develop large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computers, and is the only technology that has demonstrated quantum error correction that actually extends the lifetime of quantum information.
Extending the Performance of Noisy Superconducting Quantum Processors
In this era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computing, systematic miscalibrations, drift, and crosstalk in the control of quantum bits can lead to a coherent form of error which has no classical analog. Such errors severely limit the performance of quantum algorithms in an unpredictable manner, and mitigating their impact is necessary for realizing reliable quantum computations.
Entanglement Hamiltonian Tomography in Quantum Simulation
Entanglement is the crucial ingredient of quantum many-body physics, and characterizing and quantifying entanglement in quantum dynamics is an outstanding challenge in today's era of intermediate scale quantum devices. Quantum simulators allow us to observe in quench dynamics the increasing complexity of the many-body wavefunction in evolution towards thermodynamic equilibrium, including regimes inaccessible to classical computation.