Quantum technology for the real world
Abstract: Quantum sensors will broadly impact industries including transportation and logistics,telecommunications, aerospace, defense, and geophysical exploration. They offer transformativeperformance gains over conventional technologies; atomic clocks are precise to 1 second in 50 billionyears. However, these laboratory devices are large, fragile, and expensive. Commercial quantum
"Giant Artificial Atoms and Waveguide QED"
Abstract: Models of light-matter interaction with natural atoms typically invoke the dipole approximation, wherein atoms are treated as point-like objects compared with the wavelength of their resonant driving fields. In this talk, we present a demonstration of “giant artificial atoms” realized with superconducting qubits in a waveguide QED architecture. The superconducting qubits couple to the waveguide at multiple, well-separated locations. In this configuration, the dipole approximation no longer holds, and the giant atom may quantum mechanically self-interfere.
Some Applications of Statistics in Physics: quantized light, scattering, and tomography
Intro. Physics and statistics (a) where theory and experiment meet, (b) divergent world views, (c) underlying probabilistic nature of the world: Bell's theorem and random number generation.
The calibration of a few photon detector. (a) What is a Transition Edge Sensor? What needs to be calibrated? (b) The K-means algorithm as maximum likelihood. (c) Adaptation of the K-means algorithm to Poisson statistics: a new maximum likelihood objective function: PIKA. (d) Application of PIKA to calibration of an attenuator at near-ideal quantum efficiency.
Quantum In The Wild
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