Grating Magneto-Optical Traps for Strontium
Dissertation Committee Chair: Steven L. Rolston,
Dr. Gretchen K. Campbell, Co-chair/Advisor
Professor Steven L. Rolston, Co-chair
Professor Mario Dagenais, Dean’s Representative
Professor Luis A. Orozco
Dr. James (Trey) V. Porto
Experiments with Ultracold Strontium in Compact Grating Magneto-Optical Trap Geometries
Dissertation Committee Chair: Steven L. Rolston
Dr. Gretchen K. Campbell (Advisor/Co-Chair)
Professor Steven L. Rolston (Co-Chair)
Professor Mario Dagenais (Dean’s Representative)
Dr. Ian B. Spielman
Professor Alicia J. Kollár
Two-level defects of aluminum oxide in polycrystalline phase, amorphous phase, and surface interface
Dissertation Committee Chair: Christopher Lobb
Kevin Osborn (Co-chair)
Steven Anlage
Alicia Kollar
John Cumings (Dean’s representative)
Quantum Information dynamics in many-body systems
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Jay Deep Sau
Dr. Brian Swingle (co-chair)
Dr. Maissam Barkeshli
Dr. Nicole Yunger Halpern
Dr. Daniel Gottesman (Dean’s Representative)
Observation of wave-packet branching through an engineered conical intersection
Analog quantum simulators have the potential to provide new insight towards naturally occurring phenomena beyond the capabilities of classical computers in the near term. Incorporating controllable dissipation as a resource enables simulation of a wider range of out-of-equilibrium processes such as chemical reactions. In this talk, I will describe an experiment where we operate a hybrid qubit-oscillator circuit quantum electrodynamics processor and use it to model nonadiabatic molecular reaction dynamics through a so-called conical intersection.
Cavity Optomechanical Sensing and Manipulation of an Atomic Persistent Current
Abstract: In this talk I will describe our recent theoretical work showing how several problems in atomic superfluid rotation can be addressed using the versatile toolbox of cavity optomechanics [1]. We consider an annular Bose-Einstein condensate, which exhibits dissipationless flow and is a paradigm of rotational quantum physics, inside a cavity excited by optical fields carrying orbital angular momentum.
Experiments with laser cooling and cold spinor gases
Dissertation Committee Chair: Professor Christopher Lobb
Professor Gretchen Campbell
Professor Mario Dagenais
Professor Paul Lett
Professor Christopher Lobb
Professor Steve Rolston
Subwavelength Spatial Control and Measurement of Cold Atoms via Optical Nonlinearity and a New Experimental Platform for Two-species Atom Tweezer Arrays
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Steven Rolston (co-advisor)
Prof. Trey Porto (co-chair/co-advisor)
Prof. Ian Spielman
Prof. Norbert Linke
Prof. Ronald Walsworth
Disorder-induced topology and more surprises from synthetic quantum matter
Artificial materials made up of atoms, molecules, and light have opened up exciting opportunities to explore quantum physics in exotic regimes. Through their manipulation with laser light and other fields, ultracold gases of atoms and molecules can be used to study phenomena related to condensed matter, high energy, and nuclear physics, and can furthermore play host to entirely unique kinds of many-body effects.