Semester Calendar Date

Analog Quantum Simulation of Topological Lattice Models with a Parametric Cavity

Abstract:  There has been a growing interest in realizing quantum simulators for physical systems where perturbative methods are ineffective. The scalability and flexibility of circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) make it a promising platform to implement various types of simulators, including lattice models of strongly-coupled field theories. Here, we use a multimode superconducting parametric cavity as a hardware-efficient analog quantum simulator, realizing a lattice in synthetic dimensions with complex hopping interactions.

Fusion category symmetry-protected topological order in the generalized cluster state

Despite growing interest in beyond-group symmetries in quantum condensed matter systems, there are relatively few microscopic lattice models explicitly realizing these symmetries, and many phenomena have yet to be generalized at the microscopic level. In this work, we show that the generalized cluster state introduced in arXiv:1408.6237 is an SPT protected by categorical symmetry.

Linear Growth of Complexity in Brownian Circuits

Generating randomness efficiently is a key capability in both classical and quantum information processing applications. For example, Haar-random quantum states serve as primitives for applications including quantum cryptography, quantum process tomography, and randomized benchmarking. How quickly can these random states be generated? And how much randomness is really necessary for any given application? In this talk, I will address these questions in Brownian quantum circuit models, which admit a large-$N$ limit that can be solved exactly.

Dr. Maissam Barkeshli (UMD) Discrete shift and quantized charge polarization: New topological invariants and quantized response of crystalline topological states

When: December 6th at 11amWhere: ATL 4402Speaker: Dr. Maissam Barkeshli (UMD)Title: Discrete shift and quantized charge polarization: New topological invariants and quantized response of crystalline topological states

3+1 D Quantum spin liquid from Rydberg interactions -- a proposal

Quantum Spin Liquids are exotic phases of matter whose low-energy physics is described as the deconfined phase of an emergent gauge theory. With recent theory proposals and an experiment showing preliminary signs of Z2 topological order, arrays of neutral atoms with Rydberg interactions have emerged as a promising platform to realize a spin liquid. In this work, we propose a way to realize the deconfined phase of U(1) gauge theory in 3 spatial dimensions from Rydberg interactions on a pyrochlore lattice.