Semester Calendar Date

Hybrid Quantum Photonic Circuits and Quantum Frequency Conversion

Abstract: The ability to generate, detect and manipulate photons with high fidelity is of critical importance for both fundamental quantum optics studies and practical device applications. Quantum frequency conversion, in particular, is in great demand for bridging the carrier frequency gaps in quantum networks and hybrid quantum systems. The efficiency of photon control including quantum frequency conversion is dictated by photon-photon interaction in a nonlinear optical media.

Frequency Metrology with Ultracold Molecules

Abstract: Ultracold atom technologies have transformed our ability to perform high-precision spectroscopy and apply it to time and frequency metrology.  Many of the highest-performing atomic clocks are based on laser-cooled atoms trapped in optical lattices.  These clocks can be applied to fundamental questions, for example to improve our understanding of gravity and general relativity.  In this talk, I will discuss using lattice-trapped ultracold diatomic molecules, rather than atoms, as a reference for clocks.  Molecules have more internal quantum states and therefore are relatively chall

Cavity QED from Manybody Physics to Transduction

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe recent developments in the Simon/Schuster collaboration, where we are harnessing cavity quantum electrodynamics for both manybody physics and quantum information. I will begin with an overview of our photonic quantum materials efforts, highlighting the analogy between photons in a lattice of cavities (or family of cavity modes) and electrons in solids.

Efficient experimental verification of quantum computers and quantum simulators via randomized analog verification

Near-term quantum information processors will not be capable of quantum error correction, but instead will implement algorithms using the physical native interactions of the device. These interactions can be used to implement quantum gates that are often continuously-parameterized (e.g., by rotation angles), as well as to implement analog quantum simulations that seek to explore the dynamics of a particular Hamiltonian of interest.

Quantum Optics with Free Electrons

Abstract: Until recently, work in quantum optics focused on light interacting with bound-electron systems such as atoms, quantum dots, and nonlinear optical crystals. In contrast, free-electron systems enable fundamentally different physical phenomena, as their energy distribution is continuous and not discrete, allowing for tunable transitions and selection rules. 

How to Use a Lock-in Amplifier to Improve Your Precision Measurement

Abstract: Electronic signals for precision measurements are extremely small. For periodic signals, lock-in amplifiers improve sensitivity by orders of magnitude. In this presentation, you will learn about the principles and characteristics of lock-in amplifiers and about applying them to NV center and other precision measurements.
Please email Connor Hart ( if you plan to attend. 
Location: PSC 2136

Topology Through Quantum Evolution with Ultracold Atoms

Abstract: Concepts from topology provide insight into wide ranging areas from fluid mechanics to quantum condensed matter physics. We studied the topology of ultracold 87Rb atoms in a highly tunable bipartite optical lattice, using a form of quantum state tomography, to measure the full pseudospin state throughout the Brillouin zone. We used this capability to follow the evolution of two topological quantities: the Zak phase and chiral winding number, after changing the lattice configuration.