Quantum thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes in lattice gauge theories

Abstract: A key objective in nuclear and high-energy physics is to describe nonequilibrium dynamics of matter, e.g., in the early universe and in particle colliders, starting from the Standard Model. Classical-computing methods, via the framework of lattice gauge theory, have experienced limited success in this mission. Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories holds promise for overcoming computational limitations. Because of local constraints (Gauss's laws), lattice gauge theories have an intricate Hilbert-space structure.

Quantum thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes in lattice gauge theories

A key objective in nuclear and high-energy physics is to describe nonequilibrium dynamics of matter, e.g., in the early universe and in particle colliders, starting from the Standard Model. Classical-computing methods, via the framework of lattice gauge theory, have experienced limited success in this mission. Quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories holds promise for overcoming computational limitations. Because of local constraints (Gauss's laws), lattice gauge theories have an intricate Hilbert-space structure.

Experimental observation of symmetry-protected signatures of N-body interactions

Characterizing higher-order interactions in quantum processes with unknown Hamiltonians presents a significant challenge. This challenge arises, in part, because two-body interactions can lead to an arbitrary evolution, and two-local gates are considered universal in quantum computing. However, recent research has demonstrated that when the unknown Hamiltonian follows a U(1) symmetry, like charge or number conservation, N-body interactions display a distinct and symmetry-protected feature called the N-body phase.

Exponentially Reduced Circuit Depths Using Trotter Error Mitigation

Abstract: Product formulae are a popular class of digital quantum simulation algorithms due to their conceptual simplicity, low overhead, and performance which often exceeds theoretical expectations. Recently, Richardson extrapolation and polynomial interpolation have been proposed to mitigate the Trotter error incurred by use of these formulae. This work provides an improved, rigorous analysis of these techniques for the task of calculating time-evolved expectation values.

Exponentially Reduced Circuit Depths Using Trotter Error Mitigation

Product formulae are a popular class of digital quantum simulation algorithms due to their conceptual simplicity, low overhead, and performance which often exceeds theoretical expectations. Recently, Richardson extrapolation and polynomial interpolation have been proposed to mitigate the Trotter error incurred by use of these formulae. This work provides an improved, rigorous analysis of these techniques for the task of calculating time-evolved expectation values.

Quantum Simulation of Spin-Boson Models with Structure Bath

The spin-boson model, involving spins interacting with a bath of quantum harmonic oscillators, is a widely used representation of open quantum systems that describe many dissipative processes in physical, chemical and biological systems. Trapped ions present an ideal platform for simulating the quantum dynamics of such models, by accessing both the high-quality internal qubit states and the motional modes of the ions for spins and bosons, respectively.

Polynomial-Time Classical Simulation of Noisy IQP Circuits with Constant Depth

Abstract: Sampling from the output distributions of quantum computations comprising only commuting gates, known as instantaneous quantum polynomial (IQP) computations, is believed to be intractable for classical computers, and hence this task has become a leading candidate for testing the capabilities of quantum devices. Here we demonstrate that for an arbitrary IQP circuit undergoing dephasing or depolarizing noise, whose depth is greater than a critical O(1)threshold, the output distribution can be efficiently sampled by a classical computer.