Career Connections: IBM Quantum at NCSU

In this Career Connections talk, hosted at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and online, Dr. Hamed Mohammedbagherpoor is the Technical Lead at IBM Quantum and an instructor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) department of NCSU, where he teaches Elements of Control Systems. Having completed his Ph.D. and postdoctoral work at NCSU, Dr. Hamed is well-versed in both academic and industry landscapes. In this talk, he will share his insights on navigating academia, securing internships, and building a career in the tech industry.

Career Connections: The Quantum Ethics Project at UMD

As a graduate student researching quantum machine learning at the Institute for Quantum Computing, Joan wanted to better understand the ethical implications of her work. Drawing from conversations on AI ethics and taking a critical perspective on many of the promises being made in the quantum computing space, Joan founded the Quantum Ethics Project to build community around ensuring quantum technology benefits everyone and harms no one. 

Career Connections: Internship Panel at UMD

Graduate Internships in Quantum

RQS presents a panel discussion with RQS students who have recently interned at a company. They will discuss:

  • What they did during their internship
  • How they learned about/applied for the internship
  • Things they wish they had known in advance and advice for other applicants
  • How RQS and/or an RQS university could make the internship process easier and better

They will also answer your questions if you have an interest in a future internship.

Career Connections: IBM at UMD

Zlatko Minev is the technical lead and manager of the following groups at IBM Quantum - Qiskit Leap (quantum computing research) and Qiskit Metal (quantum hardware). His background is in experimental and theoretical quantum computing, software, fundamental and applied physics. Meet him for an informal chat about Quantum-related industry opportunities and his career progression.

Talk: "Discussing career progression and opportunities for young researchers"