Friday Quantum Seminar Series Using a trapped ion quantum computer to simulate NMR spectra

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is a useful tool in understanding molecular composition and dynamics, but simulating NMR spectra of large molecules becomes intractable on classical computers as the spin correlations in these systems can grow exponentially with molecule size. In contrast, quantum computers are well suited to simulate NMR spectra of molecules, particularly zero- to ultralow field (ZULF) NMR where the spin-spin interactions in the molecules dominate.

Towards cross-platform verification in quantum networks

Intermediate-scale quantum devices are becoming more reliable, and may soon be harnessed to solve useful computational tasks. At the same time, common classical methods used to verify their computational output become intractable due to their prohibitive scaling of required resources with system size. In this talk, I aim at giving an overview of selected verification strategies. Inspired by recent experimental progress, we analyze efficient cross-platform verification protocols for quantum states and computations.

Optical conductivity and orbital magnetization of Floquet vortex states

Motivated by recent experimental demonstrations of Floquet topological insulators, there have been several theoretical proposals for using structured light, either spatial or spectral, to create other properties such as flat band and vortex states. In particular, the generation of vortex states in a massive Dirac fermion insulator irradiated by light carrying nonzero orbital angular momentum (OAM) has been proposed recently. Here, we evaluate the orbital magnetization and optical conductivity as physical observables for such a system.

Empirical Evaluation of Circuit Approximations on Noisy Quantum Devices

Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices fail to produce outputs with sufficient fidelity for deep circuits with many gates today. Such devices suffer from read-out, multi-qubit gate and cross-talk noise combined with short decoherence times limiting circuit depth. This work develops a methodology to generate shorter circuits with fewer multi-qubit gates whose unitary transformations approximate the original reference one. It explores the benefit of such generated approximations under NISQ devices.