Career Nexus - Developing an Elevator Pitch
This workshop is part of the 2025 Quantum Leap Career Nexus.
An elevator pitch is a very short conversation starter. You use it to introduce people to you and your work in a range of settings, both formal and informal. In this interactive workshop, you'll learn more about elevator pitches and how to compose and refine one based on your work and your audience. The session will include time to draft, practice, and revise an elevator pitch. Come ready to think, write, and talk!
Career Nexus - Telling Stories: A Tool To Build Your Future Career
This workshop is part of the 2025 Quantum Leap Career Nexus. Presented by Yi Hao, PhD (Program Director for Career and Professional Development) and Daniel Serrano, PhD (Research Educator, Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics).
Candidate for a self-correcting quantum memory in two dimensions
An interesting problem in the field of quantum error correction involves finding a physical system that hosts a "self-correcting quantum memory," defined as an encoded qubit coupled to an environment that naturally wants to correct errors. To date, a quantum memory stable against finite-temperature effects is only known in four spatial dimensions or higher. Here, we take a different approach to realize a stable quantum memory by relying on a driven-dissipative environment.