Developing a strong driving toolkit for Floquet systems with superconducting qubits
Dissertation Committee Chair: Alicia Kollár
Ben Palmer
Steven Rolston
Nathan Schine
Ron Walsworth (Dean’s Rep)
Quantum Application, Parallel Operation and Noise Characterization in a Trapped-Ion Quantum Computer
Dissertation Committee Chair: Steven Rolston
Committee: Norbert M. Linke, Avik Dutt, Yu Liu, Christopher Jarzynski
Topological Photonics: Nested Frequency Combs and Edge Mode Tapering
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Mohammad Hafezi
Professor Kartik Srinivasan
Professor Yanne Chembo
Professor Carlos A. Rios Ocampo
Professor Miao Yu (Dean’s Representative)
Chiral light-matter interaction in fermionic quantum Hall systems
Dissertation Committee Chair: Mohammad Hafezi
Glenn Solomon
Jay Sau
Nathan Schine
You Zhou
Ichiro Takeuchi (Dean’s representative)
Ultracold Gases in a Two-Frequency Breathing Lattice
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Steve Rolston
Prof. Gretchen Campbell
Prof. Nathan Schine
Prof. Ron Walsworth
Prof. Ki-yong Kim
Exploring Quantum Many-body Systems in Programmable Trapped Ion Quantum Simulators
Dissertation Committee Chair: Professor Christopher R. Monroe
Professor Alexey V. Gorshkov
Professor Zohreh Davoudi
Professor Norbert M. Linke
Professor Christopher Jarzynski
Engineering optical lattices for ultracold atoms with spatial features and periodicity below the diffraction limit & Dual-species optical tweezer arrays for Rubidium and Ytterbium for Rydberg-interaction-mediated quantum simulations
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Steven Rolston (co-advisor)
Prof. Trey Porto (co-chair/co-advisor)
Prof. Ian Spielman
Prof. Nathan Schine
Prof. Ronald Walsworth
Abstract: This dissertation is based on two independent projects.
Constructing an ergodic theory of quantum information dynamics
Dissertation Committee Chair: Victor Galitski
Paulo Bedaque
Alexey Gorshkov
Christopher Jarzynski
Nicole Yunger Halpern
Spectral Statistics, Hydrodynamics, and Quantum Chaos
Dissertation Committee Chair: Brian Swingle, Victor Galitski
Maissam Barkeshli
Jay Sau
Jonathan Rosenberg (Dean’s representative)
Ultracold Gases in a Two-Frequency Breathing Lattice
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Steve Rolston
Prof. Gretchen Campbell
Prof. Nathan Schine
Prof. Ron Walsworth
Prof. Ki-yong Kim