Improved quantum error correction using soft information
The typical model for measurement noise in quantum error correction is to randomly flip the binary measurement outcome. In experiments, measurements yield much richer information - e.g., continuous current values, discrete photon counts - which is then mapped into binary outcomes by discarding some of this information. In this work, we consider methods to incorporate all of this richer information, typically called soft information, into the decoding of the surface code.
Grand unification of quantum algorithms
Modern quantum algorithms originate historically from three disparate origins: simulation, search, and factoring. Today, we can now understand and appreciate all of these as being instances of a single framework, and remarkably, the essence is how the rotations of a single quantum bit can be transformed non-linearly by a simple sequence of operations. On the face of it, this is physically non-intuitive, because quantum mechanics is linear. The key is to think not about eigenvalues and closed systems, but instead, about singular values and subsystem dynamics.
Learnability of Hamiltonians from quantum many-body Gibbs states
We will consider the problem of learning the Hamiltonian of a quantum many-body system given samples from its Gibbs (thermal) state. The classical analog of this problem, known as learning graphical models or Boltzmann machines, is a well-studied question in machine learning and statistics. This talk will describe a sample-efficient algorithm for the quantum Hamiltonian learning problem at all constant temperatures.
Hamiltonian Simulation Algorithms for Near-Term Quantum Hardware
The quantum circuit model is the de-facto way of designing quantum algorithms. Yet any level of abstraction away from the underlying hardware incurs overhead. In the era of near-term, noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) hardware with severely restricted resources, this overhead may be unjustifiable. We develop quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation "one level below" the circuit model, exploiting the underlying control over qubit interactions available in most quantum hardware implementations.
Fitting quantum noise models to tomography data
The presence of noise is currently one of the main obstacles to achieving large-scale quantum computation. Strategies to characterise and understand noise processes in quantum hardware are a critical part of mitigating it, especially as the overhead of full error correction and fault-tolerance is beyond the reach of current hardware. Non-Markovian effects are a particularly unfavorable type of noise, being both harder to analyse using standard techniques and more difficult to control using error correction.
Error-corrected quantum metrology
Quantum metrology, which studies parameter estimation in quantum systems, has many important applications in science and technology, ranging from frequency spectroscopy to gravitational wave detection. Quantum mechanics imposes a fundamental limit on the estimation precision, called the Heisenberg limit, which is achievable in noiseless quantum systems, but is in general not for noisy systems. This talk is a summary of some recent works by the speaker and collaborators on quantum metrology enhanced by quantum error correction.
Quantum solver of contracted eigenvalue equations for scalable molecular simulations on quantum computing devices
The accurate computation of ground and excited states of many-fermion quantum systems is one of the most important challenges in the physical and computational sciences whose solution stands to benefit significantly from the advent of quantum computing devices. Existing methodologies using phase estimation or variational algorithms have potential drawbacks such as deep circuits requiring substantial error correction or non-trivial high-dimensional classical optimization.
Limitations of optimization algorithms on noisy quantum devices
Recent technological developments have focused the interest of the quantum computing community on investigating how near-term devices could outperform classical computers for practical applications. A central question that remains open is whether their noise can be overcome or it fundamentally restricts any potential quantum advantage.
Degree vs. Approximate Degree and Quantum Implications of Huang’s Sensitivity Theorem
Based on the recent breakthrough of Huang (2019), we show that for any total Boolean function f, deg(f) = O(~deg(f)^2): The degree of f is at most quadratic in the approximate degree of f.
Fundamental aspects of solving quantum problems with machine learning
Machine learning (ML) provides the potential to solve challenging quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry. Yet, this prospect has not been fully justified. In this work, we establish rigorous results to understand the power of classical ML and the potential for quantum advantage in an important example application: predicting outcomes of quantum mechanical processes.