A Probe of Band Structure Singularities with a Lattice-Trapped Quantum Gas Abstract

Abstract: Ultracold-atom quantum simulators are powerful experimental tools that provide insight into the properties of crystalline solids. Important crystalline solid properties, such as electrical resistivity and optical absorption, are set by the crystal’s energy band structure (bands of the allowable energies of electrons in the potential generated by a lattice arrangement of atomic or molecular ions). However, it is not only the band structure that determines the properties of a crystal.

Integrated Photonic Quantum Information Processing

Abstract: In recent years, photonics has become one of the key contenders in the race to build large-scale quantum computers. The prominence of photonics as a quantum information technology is underscored by the fact that it is one of only a handful of technology platforms which has achieved a quantum advantage, i.e., a large-scale quantum system which outperforms a classical supercomputer at some well-defined computational task [1 2].

Quantum many-body scars, connection to Floquet automata, and ‘broken unitary’ dynamics

Abstract: Quantum Many-Body scars represent a new paradigm of breaking eigenstate thermalization hypothesis—a vanishing number of states in the spectrum exhibit area law entanglement while being dispersed at equally spaced energies throughout a spectrum of volume-law entangled states. This is in stark contrast to many-body localization, where all eigenstates are area-law entangled, or a thermalizing system, where states are volume law entangled. Despite the fact that very few states exhibit such low entanglement, they have a remarkable effect on the dynamics of the system.

Analog Quantum Simulation of Topological Lattice Models with a Parametric Cavity

Abstract:  There has been a growing interest in realizing quantum simulators for physical systems where perturbative methods are ineffective. The scalability and flexibility of circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) make it a promising platform to implement various types of simulators, including lattice models of strongly-coupled field theories. Here, we use a multimode superconducting parametric cavity as a hardware-efficient analog quantum simulator, realizing a lattice in synthetic dimensions with complex hopping interactions.

Tips for making peer review easy, fruitful, and successfully sharing your research

Abstract: Publishing an article requires not only scientific expertise but also engagement with the broader community, which is aided in many ways by editors. I'll share my perspective on peer review and provide some tips for successfully writing and publishing your next article. I will also show some data about the research from the University of Maryland that is published in the Physical Review journals. Finally, I hope to convince you that PRX Quantum is an excellent venue for publishing your results of interest to quantum science.  

Analog Quantum Simulation of Topological Lattice Models with a Parametric Cavity

Abstract: There has been a growing interest in realizing quantum simulators for physical systems where perturbative methods are ineffective. The scalability and flexibility of circuit quantum electrodynamics (cQED) make it a promising platform to implement various types of simulators, including lattice models of strongly-coupled field theories. Here, we use a multimode superconducting parametric cavity as a hardware-efficient analog quantum simulator, realizing a lattice in synthetic dimensions with complex hopping interactions.

A Trapped Ion Quantum Simulator for Two-Dimensional Spin System

Abstract: Quantum simulations of complex materials address fundamental problems that cannot be analytically solved due to the exponential scaling of the Hilbert space with increasing particle number. Simulations using trapped ions have had remarkable success investigating one-dimensional quantum interacting spin models, and we seek to extend these ideas to two dimensions by exploiting new crystal geometries in a rf Paul trap.

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Papers (The Human Side of Physics)

Abstract: Physics is a human activity. Doing hard science involves not only having ideas and taking data, but also convincing your peers by communicating your results in a clear fashion. In this talk, I will offer a bit of the editorial perspective from PRL on how scientific knowledge is established in papers. Our main topic will be the way papers are conceived, treated by editors, assessed by peers, and finally published.
Location: PSC 3150

How to Use a Lock-in Amplifier to Improve Your Precision Measurement

Abstract: Electronic signals for precision measurements are extremely small. For periodic signals, lock-in amplifiers improve sensitivity by orders of magnitude. In this presentation, you will learn about the principles and characteristics of lock-in amplifiers and about applying them to NV center and other precision measurements.
Please email Connor Hart (chart@umd.edu) if you plan to attend. 
Location: PSC 2136