Probing critical states of matter on a quantum computer

Abstract: I will describe Quantinuum’s trapped ion QCCD quantum computers, with a particular focus on the key technical challenges and solutions for realizing mid-circuit measurement and reuse of qubits. In addition to the importance these capabilities play in quantum error correction, they also afford remarkable efficiencies in simulating many-body physics, enabling explorations of physics at length scales well beyond the limits that would be naively guessed from the size of present-day quantum computers.

Measuring the knots & braids of non-Hermitian oscillators

Abstract: It may seem unlikely that rich mathematical structures remain to be uncovered in classical harmonic oscillators. Nevertheless, systems that combine non-reciprocity and loss have provided a number of surprises in recent years. I will describe how these systems naturally exhibit braids, knots, and other topological structures. I will also present measurements of these structures (using a cavity optomechanical system), and will describe their potential application in various control schemes.

CANCELLED: Programmable control of indistinguishable particles: from clocks to qubits to many-body physics

Abstract: Quantum information science seeks to exploit the collective behavior of a large quantum system to enable tasks that are impossible (or less possible!) with classical resources alone. This burgeoning field encompasses a variety of directions, ranging from metrology to computing. While distinguished in objective, all of these directions rely on the preparation and control of many identical particles or qubits. Meeting this need is a defining challenge of the field.

Quantum metrology with a trapped atom interferometer interrogated for one minute

Abstract: Precise control of quantum states allows atom interferometers to explore fundamental physics and perform inertial sensing. For atomic fountain interferometers, the measurement time is limited by the available free-fall time to a few seconds. We instead realize atom interferometry with a coherent spatial superposition state held by an optical lattice beyond 1 minute. This performance was made possible by recent advances in the understanding and control of coherence-limiting mechanisms.

Deployed quantum sensors and clocks

Abstract: Quantum sensors will broadly impact industries including transportation and logistics, telecommunications, aerospace, defense, and geophysical exploration. They offer transformative performance gains over conventional technologies; atomic clocks are precise to 1 second in 50 billion years. However, these laboratory devices are large, fragile, and expensive. Commercial quantum devices require redesign from the ground up with a focus on real-world operability.

Non-Clifford logical gates of (3+1)D fermionic Z2 toric code from pumping topological states

Abstract: We consider the logical gate of (3+1)D Z2 gauge theory with an emergent fermionic particle, and point out that pumping the p+ip topological state through the 3d space defines the emergent Z8 global symmetry. We then show that in the context of stabilizer quantum codes, one can obtain logical CCZ and CS gates by placing the code on a discretization of T^3 (3-torus) and mapping torus of T^2 respectively, and pumping p+ip states. Our considerations also imply the possibility of a logical T gate by placing the code on RP3 and pumping a p+ip topological state.

Passive Error Correction and Distributed Sensing

Abstract: This talk will consist of two parts. First, we will discuss passively protected quantum memories, in which an encoded qubit is coupled to an environment that naturally corrects errors. For example, we will present a candidate for a passively protected quantum memory in two dimensions. Second, we will discuss how entanglement in a network of quantum sensors can be used to accurately measure properties of spatially varying fields.

CANCELLED - Precision Measurement with Polyatomic Molecules and Exotic Nuclei

Abstract: Polyatomic molecules uniquely enable the simultaneous combination of multiple features advantageous for precision measurement. Searches for charge-parity (CP) violation benefit from large internal molecular fields, high polarizability, internal co-magnetometry, and the ability to cycle photons - all of which can be found in certain polyatomic species. We discuss experimental and theoretical developments in several linear metal hydroxide (MOH) species.

Generation of hypercubic cluster states in 1-4 dimensions in a simple optical system

Abstract: Multi-mode continuous-variable entanglement has become increasingly important for practical quantum information processing. We generate 2-mode vacuum-squeezed optical states through a 4-wave mixing (4WM) process in Rb atomic vapor and conduct a detailed study using homodyne measurements. By dividing the squeezing bandwidth into smaller frequency bins, we show that different sideband frequencies represent independent sources of two-mode squeezing.