Workshop on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Technologies (NISQ)

Workshop on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Technologies
This year, the TQC conference will be followed by a two-day workshop on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) Technologies. The workshop will bring together top experts on the subject of near-term quantum computation and provide a platform for the wider research community to engage in discussions about the near-term applications of quantum computers.

Workshop on QMA(2) and the Complexity of Entanglement

This small, five-day workshop will focus on QMA(2) and the tools, techniques and open questions related to this complexity class. In particular, we think this class provides an interesting lens through which to examine the power of entanglement. We will focus not only on upper and lower bounds but also on related topics (quantum de Finetti theorems, semidefinite programming hierarchies, etc). We will have a small number of talks by world experts in the field, with plenty of free time to encourage collaboration.

NIST-UMD Workshop on Quantum Information and Computer Science

This is the "kickoff workshop" for a new Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) at the University of Maryland. The purpose of the workshop is to initiate collaborations between researchers at QuICS and elsewhere, and to solicit ideas about research and activities that the QuICS center may pursue. For more information, see the workshop website.