White, C. D., Cao, C. ., & Swingle, B. . (2021). Conformal field theories are magical. Physical Review B, 103, 075145. (Original work published February 2021)
Cao, C. ., Q, X.-L. ., Swingle, B. ., & Tang, E. . (2020). Building Bulk Geometry from the Tensor Radon Transform. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, 1–50. Retrieved from (Original work published December 2020)
Xu, S. ., Susskind, L. ., Su, Y. ., & Swingle, B. . (2020). A Sparse Model of Quantum Holography. ArXiv. Retrieved from (Original work published August 2020)
Faulkner, T. ., Hollands, S. ., Swingle, B. ., & Wang, Y. . (2020). Approximate recovery and relative entropy I. general von Neumann subalgebras. ArXiv. Retrieved from (Original work published June 2020)
Sahu, S. ., & Swingle, B. . (2020). Information scrambling at finite temperature in local quantum systems. Phys. Rev. B, 102, 184303. (Original work published November 2020)
Xu, S. ., & Swingle, B. . (2020). Accessing scrambling using matrix product operators. Nature Physics, 16, 199–204. (Original work published February 2020)
Almheiri, A. ., Milekhin, A. ., & Swingle, B. . (2019). Universal Constraints on Energy Flow and SYK Thermalization. ArXiv. Retrieved from (Original work published December 2019)
Martyn, J. ., & Swingle, B. . (2019). Product Spectrum Ansatz and the Simplicity of Thermal States. Phys. Rev. A, 100. (Original work published November 2019)
Brown, A. ., Gharibyan, H. ., Leichenauer, S. ., Lin, H. ., Nezami, S. ., Salton, G. ., … Walter, M. . (2023). Quantum Gravity in the Lab. I. Teleportation by Size and Traversable Wormholes. PRX Quantum, 4, 010320. (Original work published February 2023)
Xu, S. ., & Swingle, B. . (2019). Locality, Quantum Fluctuations, and Scrambling. Phys. Rev. X, 9. (Original work published September 2019)