García-Pintos, L. P., O’Leary, T. ., Biswas, T. ., Bringewatt, J. ., Cincio, L. ., Brady, L. T., & Liu, Y.-K. . (2024). Resilience-Runtime Tradeoff Relations for Quantum Algorithms. ArXiv. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/2408.02764 (Original work published August 2024)
Liu, Y.-K. ., & Moody, D. . (2024). Post-quantum cryptography and the quantum future of cybersecurity. Phys. Rev. Appl., 21, 040501. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.040501 (Original work published April 2024)
Liu, Y.-K. . (2023). An Uncertainty Principle for the Curvelet Transform, and the Infeasibility of Quantum Algorithms for Finding Short Lattice Vectors. ArXiv. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.03735 (Original work published October 2023)
Moody, D. ., Alagic, G. ., Apon, D. ., Cooper, D. ., Dang, Q. ., Kelsey, J. ., … Alperin-Sheriff, J. . (2020). Status report on the second round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. NIST. http://doi.org/10.6028/nist.ir.8309 (Original work published July 2020)
Scholten, T. ., Liu, Y.-K. ., Young, K. ., & Blume-Kohout, R. . (2019). Classifying single-qubit noise using machine learning. ArXiv. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.11762 (Original work published August 2019)
Alagic, G. ., Alperin-Sheriff, J. ., Apon, D. ., Cooper, D. ., Dang, Q. ., Liu, Y.-K. ., … Smith-Tone, D. . (2019). Status report on the first round of the NIST post-quantum cryptography standardization process. NIST. http://doi.org/10.6028/nist.ir.8240 (Original work published January 2019)
Jordan, S. ., & Liu, Y.-K. . (2018). Quantum Cryptanalysis: Shor, Grover, and Beyond. IEEE Security & Privacy, 16, 14–21. http://doi.org/10.1109/MSP.2018.3761719 (Original work published September 2018)
Bierhorst, P. ., Knill, E. ., Glancy, S. ., Zhang, Y. ., Mink, A. ., Jordan, S. ., … Shalm, L. . (2018). Experimentally Generated Randomness Certified by the Impossibility of Superluminal Signals. Nature, 556, 223–226. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-018-0019-0 (Original work published April 2018)
Roth, I. ., Kueng, R. ., Kimmel, S. ., Liu, Y.-K. ., Gross, D. ., Eisert, J. ., & Kliesch, M. . (2018). Recovering quantum gates from few average gate fidelities. Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 170502. http://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.170502 (Original work published March 2018)
Krahmer, F. ., & Liu, Y.-K. . (2018). Phase Retrieval Without Small-Ball Probability Assumptions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64, 485–500. http://doi.org/10.1109/TIT.2017.2757520 (Original work published January 2018)