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Alnawakhtha, Y. ., Mantri, A. ., Miller, C. ., & Wang, D. . (2024). Lattice-Based Quantum Advantage from Rotated Measurements. Quantum, 8, 1399. http://doi.org/10.22331/q-2024-07-04-1399 (Original work published July 2024)
Jackson, K. ., Miller, C. ., & Wang, D. . (2023). Evaluating the security of CRYSTALS-Dilithium in the quantum random oracle model. ArXiv. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/2312.16619 (Original work published December 2023)
Iyer, V. ., Jain, S. ., Kovacs-Deak, M. ., Kumar, V. ., Schaeffer, L. ., Wang, D. ., & Whitmeyer, M. . (2023). On the Rational Degree of Boolean Functions and Applications. ArXiv. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.08004 (Original work published October 2023)
Childs, A. M., Kothari, R. ., Kovacs-Deak, M. ., Sundaram, A. ., & Wang, D. . (2022). Quantum divide and conquer. ArXiv. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.06419 (Original work published October 2022)
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Ben-David, S. ., Childs, A. M., Gilyen, A. ., Kretschmer, W. ., Podder, S. ., & Wang, D. . (2020). Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups. In Proceedings of the 61st IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2020). http://doi.org/10.1109/FOCS46700.2020.00066 (Original work published June 2020)