Event Details
Speaker Name
Charles Cao
Start Date & Time
2020-02-07 12:00 pm
End Date & Time
2020-02-07 12:00 pm
Event Details

The AdS/CFT correspondence is a concrete instance of
holographic duality, where a bulk theory of quantum gravity in d+1
dimensions can emerge from a conformal field theory (CFT) in d
dimensions. In particular, we expect the semi-classical spacetime of
d+1 dimensions to emerge from the entanglement patterns of certain
quantum states in the CFT. Therefore, it is crucial to understand what
kind of states encode such spacetime geometries and how to explicitly
reconstruct these geometries from quantum entanglement. In this talk,
I will address these questions using the techniques of tensor Radon
transform. We find that, given the boundary entanglement entropies of
a 2d CFT, this framework provides a quantitative measure that detects
whether the bulk dual has a semi-classical geometry in the
perturbative limit. In the case where a well-defined bulk geometry
exists, we also reconstruct the bulk metric tensor numerically. We
then examine the emergent bulk geometries for static and dynamical
cases in holography and in manybody systems.

(pizza and drinks served at 12pm; talk starts at 12:10pm)

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