The postulates of quantum mechanics generalize classical probability distributions and thus transmission of information, enabling fundamentally novel protocols for communication and cryptography. These algorithms motivate the deployment of quantum networks, a distributed model of computation where universality and fault-tolerance are often not required. Based on constructions from communication complexity, we design a voting scheme with efficient scaling of quantum communication and computation, and prove its security.
The spread of quantum correlations, besides underlying the performance of many communication protocols, characterizes the process of objects away from equilibrium attaining a uniform state. Evolution is natural, requiring little control and easing study by quantum simulators. We analyze wormholes, initially motivated by gauge-gravity duality, from this perspective. Transfer of information, assisted by non-thermalizing modes, is found in common many-body systems, such as interacting spins.
The two themes above are accompanied by proposals for physical realization in atomic and optical platforms. Communication protocols are carried out by photons transmitting quantum information and cavities mediating processing by atomic qubits. Thermalization is studied in strongly interacting systems of Rydberg atoms controlled by electromagnetic fields.
Going forward, I propose to investigate algorithms for quantum computation and simulation, and indicate directions inspired by the above research.
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