JQI Fellow Mohammad Hafezi has been elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Hafezi, who is also a Professor in the Dapartment of Physics, a Minta Martin Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a member of the Institute for Research in Electronics & Applied Physics and the Quantum Technology Center, leads a research group that performs experiments and develops theories to explore the varied quantum behaviors that can result from the interplay of light and matter. This research topic has his group exploring aspects of quantum optics, condensed matter physics, quantum information sciences, and machine learning. Developments in this field could deliver applications in areas like quantum information processing and sensing technologies.

APS annually awards this honor to no more than 0.5% of its non-student members each year. The fellowships represent a recognition from their peers of contributions made to the physics community.  Hafezi was cited for “pioneering theoretical and experimental work in topological photonics and quantum synthetic matter.”

This story was originally published by the Department of Physics at UMD. It has been adapted here with minor changes.

About the Research
TEMP migration NID