
Motivated by experiments exploring the physics of neutral atoms in artificial magnetic fields, we study the ground state of bosons interacting with long-range dipolar interactions on a two-leg ladder. We focus on the limit where the number of particles per site is large and the interactions are weak. Using two complementary variational approaches, we find rich physics driven by the long-range forces. Generically, long-range interactions tend to destroy the Meissner phase in favor of modulated density wave phases. For example, nearest-neighbor interactions produce an interleg charge density wave phase, where the total density remains uniform but the density on each leg of the ladder is modulating in space, out of phase with one another. Next-nearest-neighbor interactions lead to a fully modulated biased ladder phase, where all of the particles are on one leg of the ladder. This state simultaneously breaks Z(2) reflection symmetry and U(1) translation symmetry. For values of the flux near phi = pi, we find a switching effect for arbitrarily weak interactions, where the density is modulated but the chiral current changes sign on every plaquette. Arbitrarily weak attractive interactions along the rungs destroy the Meissner phase completely, in favor of a modulated density wave phase. Remarkably, varying the rung to ladder hopping produces a cascade of first-order transitions between modulated density wave states with different wave vectors, which manifests itself as discrete jumps in the chiral current. Polarizing the dipoles along the ladder direction yields a region of phase space where a stable biased ladder phase occurs even at arbitrarily weak rung hopping. We discuss the experimental consequences of our work and draw connections between our work and recent experiments on cold atoms in synthetic dimensions.

Publication Details
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review A