
The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) posits that the reduced density matrix for a subsystem corresponding to an excited eigenstate is "thermal." Here we expound on this hypothesis by asking: For which class of operators, local or nonlocal, is ETH satisfied? We show that this question is directly related to a seemingly unrelated question: Is the Hamiltonian of a system encoded within a single eigenstate? We formulate a strong form of ETH where, in the thermodynamic limit, the reduced density matrix of a subsystem corresponding to a pure, finite energy density eigenstate asymptotically becomes equal to the thermal reduced density matrix, as long as the subsystem size is much less than the total system size, irrespective of how large the subsystem is compared to any intrinsic length scale of the system. This allows one to access the properties of the underlying Hamiltonian at arbitrary energy densities (or temperatures) using just a single eigenstate. We provide support for our conjecture by performing an exact diagonalization study of a nonintegrable ID quantum lattice model with only energy conservation. In addition, we examine the case in which the subsystem size is a finite fraction of the total system size, and we find that, even in this case, many operators continue to match their canonical expectation values, at least approximately. In particular, the von Neumann entanglement entropy equals the thermal entropy as long as the subsystem is less than half the total system. Our results are consistent with the possibility that a single eigenstate correctly predicts the expectation values of all operators with support on less than half the total system, as long as one uses a microcanonical ensemble with vanishing energy width for comparison. We also study, both analytically and numerically, a particle-number conserving model at infinite temperature that substantiates our conjectures.

Publication Details
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review X