We study the effects of various symmetry-breaking perturbations on the experimentally measurable signatures (such as conductance and Josephson response) of quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) spin-triplet superconductors. In the first part of the paper, we numerically compute the zero and nonzero temperature conductances of the quasi-1D nanowires that host multiple Majorana zero modes. Following the discussion of the case of s-wave Rashba nanowires, we shift to the main focus, i.e., multi-channel spin-triplet superconductors. Applying gate voltages (which changes the symmetry of the spin-orbit coupling) as well as magnetic fields to the nanowire, tunes the system between different symmetry classes by splitting the multiple Majorana zero modes. We study how the conductance tracks the topological invariants and the spectra in all these cases. In the second part of the paper, we study the effects of the symmetry-induced spectrum-breaking on the Andreev spectra of Josephson junctions Similar to the case of the conductance studies, we find that the spectrum shows multiple zero-energy Andreev bound states in the highly symmetric case with mirror and chiral symmetries.