
It has recently been discovered that random quantum circuits provide an avenue to realize rich entanglement phase diagrams, which are hidden to standard expectation values of operators. Here we study (2 + 1)D random circuits with random Clifford unitary gates and measurements designed to stabilize trivial area law and topologically ordered phases. With competing single qubit Pauli-Z and toric code stabilizer measurements, in addition to random Clifford unitaries, we find a phase diagram involving a tricritical point that maps to (2 + 1)D percolation, a possibly stable critical phase, topologically ordered, trivial, and volume law phases, and lines of critical points separating them. With Pauli-Y single qubit measurements instead, we find an anisotropic self-dual tricritical point, with dynamical exponent z approximate to 1.46, exhibiting logarithmic violation of the area law and an anomalous exponent for the topological entanglement entropy, which thus appears distinct from any known percolation fixed point. The phase diagram also hosts a measurement-induced volume law entangled phase in the absence of unitary dynamics.

Publication Details
Publication Type
Journal Article
Year of Publication
Physical Review Letters