Researchers Play a Microscopic Game of Darts with Melted Gold
Lasers helped UMD researchers hone their aim in a microscopic game of darts played to recover gold nanoparticles from levitation experiments.
Anyone for Anyons?
Researchers have demonstrated that a strange type of quantum particle called the anyon, believed to exist in only two dimensions, can also be created in one dimension. Further studies exploring different types of one-dimensional anyons could bring scientists one step closer to using the particles as a fundamental unit of memory in a quantum computer.
arXiv preprint: Autonomous Stabilization of Floquet States
Floquet engineering, in which the properties of the system are qualitatively modified by strong periodic driving, provides a route to realizing new kinds of quantum systems. However, a Floquet-engineered Hamiltonian is always accompanied by unwanted heating.
Twisted Light Gives Electrons a Spinning Kick
In a new paper, scientists seeking better methods for controlling the quantum interactions between light and matter demonstrated a novel way to use light to give electrons a spinning kick. They reported the results of their experiment, which shows that a light beam can reliably transfer orbital angular momentum to itinerant electrons in graphene, on Nov. 26, 2024, in the journal Nature Photonics.
Repurposing Qubit Tech to Explore Exotic Superconductivity
Decades of quantum research are now being transformed into practical technologies, including the superconducting circuits that are being used in physics research and built into small quantum computers by comp
Review article on integrated lasers in the visible and short near-infrared regimes
We have written a review article describing advances in chip-integrated laser technologies in the visible and short near-infrared wavelength regimes.
New Design Packs Two Qubits into One Superconducting Junction
Quantum computers are potentially revolutionary devices and the basis of a growing industry. However, their technology isn’t standardized yet, and researchers are still studying the physics behind the diverse ways to build these quantum devices. Even the most basic building blocks of a quantum computer—qubits—are still an active research topic.
New paper on cavity QED with integrated photonics and atomic vapors
In a new paper, we demonstrate interactions between vapor-phase Rb atoms and an integrated photonic microresonator down to the few-atom, few-photon level.
Comparing Quantum Sensors to Small Antennas
In radio frequency technologies, the Chu Limit presents a significant challenge for small antennas, particularly at low frequencies where their performance is constrained.
RydIQUle: Forward Modelling of Rydberg Quantum Sensors in Python
Atomic quantum sensors (e.g. clocks, magnetometers, electrometers, inertial sensors, etc.) are being used to solve real-world problems including global positioning, imaging of biological systems, and geodesy, with new applications continually emerging. The breadth of the atomic sensor design space is daunting, since one may utilize any combination of atomic states, lasers, rf fields, time-dependence, atomic nonlinearities, lasercooling and trapping, and Rydberg states.